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Smile Gallery

Clint’s New Smile

Problem: Clint’s front teeth were stained and discolored. His old veneers had cracked. His lower teeth had become misaligned and were highly eroded. Solution: Utilizing esthetic porcelain restorations on his upper and lower teeth, we were able to revitalize Clint’s smile!

Steve’s New Smile!

Problem: Steve’s front teeth were chipping and wearing away. He had also dreamed of one day have the gap between his front teeth fixed. Solution: Beautiful ceramic restorations to close the gap and restore the worn and chipped teeth.

John’s Youthful New Smile

John was as excited about his new teeth as he was about his new bionic Hip and new bionic Back! Problem: John’s teeth were worn out, in the recent past he had multiple visits to repair chips of tooth that had started to break off. He was also concerned about how yellow his teeth looked. Read More >

Jim – Complete Dental Restoration

Problem: Jim’s teeth were worn and starting to fracture. He had two choices. 1. Monitor the wear and repair as necessary. 2. Restore his teeth to correct his bite and protect his teeth from further destruction. Solution: Jim initially decided to monitor the wear and repair as necessary until the repairs became more difficult… Read more >

Carol’s New Smile

15 years ago Carol had restorations placed on her front teeth. After many years of service those older restorations were starting to wear out. Carol wanted to upgrade her smile. We placed new whiter ceramic restorations to restore her smile and function! The goal of every restoration is to last a lifetime. Unfortunately dental restorations.

Jacque Gets a Smile Makeover

Jacque’s New Smile Jacque had quite a bit of dentistry that had been in place for many years. She didn’t like the dark lines up by the gums which would cause her to try to hide them with a guarded smile. She was also concerned about good dental health. Jacque was also terrified about having the

Conservative Approach to Restoring a Dark Tooth

This patient complained about how the tooth on the upper right side of her smile was darker than the other teeth (upper left on the photo). The patient was concerned that a crown or veneer would be difficult to match the other front teeth, but still wanted something to be done to lighten up that

Tooth Replaced with a Dental Implant and Crown

Challenge: Tooth on the left with the black by the gum tissue had suffered previous trauma and restoration that has failed. The patient was concerned about the health of the tooth and didn’t like how it looked. Solution: Tooth was extracted and a dental implant was placed at the time of extraction. The gum tissue was also

Restoring a Smile with 4 Restorations

Problem: Old restorations on the two front teeth needing replacement Solution: There were two options, 1) replace the two old crowns with two new ones. 2) replace the two crowns and place to veneers on the teeth next door. Patient decided she wanted a slightly lighter color than her old crowns and therefore decided to

Robin’s New Smile

Problem: Old Restorations that needed to be replaced for health and esthetic purposes. Solution: Replace the old dentistry with beautiful porcelain teeth to restore her new smile back to optimal health.

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